i got 77.8269700 percentile in march attempt i am s.c. category student from haryana can i get cs/ IT in nits or iiits or gftis in north india
Based on our JEE Main rank predictor tool the overall expected rank will be in between 226830 - 254990. The link to the rank predictor tool is:
The category rank is expected to be over 40000. Considering the previous year cut off you don't have chances of getting seat in NITs, IIITs or GFTIs. You need to score minimum 92-95 percentile to have decent chances of getting seat in NIT or IIIT or GFTI. SO if you wish to get seat in any of these institutes, you need to prepare for JEE Main remaining sessions and score 92-95 percentile. However, you have chances to qualify in JEE Main based on previous year qualifying cut off percentile. For SC category the cut off percentile was 50.1760245 in 2020. Cut off is subjected to change, it may increase or decrease depending on total number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of exam and number of seats available etc.
To know more colleges use our JEE Main college predictor tool
Check the cut off for NITs and IIITs using the given links