hello aspirant,
A call from b schools depends on your work experience,percentages of 10th,12th CAT score etc.below are the few colleges you have chances to get a call or apply for your cat score:
Indian institute o financial management and research,changambakkam
SP jain institute of management and research,mumbai
Xavier institute of management and entreprenuership,banglore
prin.L N welingkar institute of management development and research,mumbai
institute of management studies,banaras hindu university,varanasi
uniervsity business school,panjab university,chandigarh
bharatidasan institute of management,trichy
FORE school of management,new delhi
to get a full list of colleges for your percentile check: https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/what-if-my-cat-percentile-between-80-and-90-do-i-have-any-chance-at-top-b-schools
to get a list of what all colleges you can have chances to fetch seat with your cat score check: https://bschool.careers360.com/pathfinder/cat
hope this helps,
Having an average academic record, assuming your are from General Category, I believe with a percentile of 89.5, you have bleak chances in securing a seat at one of the IIMs.
However, there are many leading management institutes as well as Good Private Universities who accept student with CAT Scores in range of 80-90 percentile.
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