I got 90.64 and female general category rank 105361 which nit or iiit does I get
Hi aspirant
Females don't have any reservation in NITs/IIITs/GFTIs.Read this for reference: https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/jee-main-reservation-criteria
Females have reservation in IITs.So if you will qualify JEE Advance then you are going to get reservation.
If you belong to general at rank 1,05,361 its too below to get into NITs/IIITs and GFTIs .You won't get any.You can apply to state engineering colleges of your home state through state counselling.You may get that.
You can use college predictor tool to predict you colleges based on your score,category and home state .Visit here: https://engineering.careers360.com/jee-main-college-predictor
Hope this was helpful.