RK, 97.6716084 is a really good percentile for JEE Mains. You can calculate your expected JEE Mains rank using the following formula:
(100-your total percentile) x 869010/100
So with your percentile, your rank would be around 20233.
Also, if the number of students increases to 12 lakh in the April session, the formula for rank calculation would change to:
(100-your total percentile) x 1200000/100
Hence your expected rank in this case would be around 27940.
With this rank, you can easily qualify for JEE Advanced as well as get the top NITs, IIITs and GFTIs.
Pertaining to your query regarding DCE (Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon), the maximum closing rank for CSE in 2017 was 423778 and in 2016, it was 178085. Similarly for IT, the cutoff rank in 2017 was 960578 and in 2016, it was 1049596. So you can easily get a seat there. For more details on the course wise cutoffs for DCE, you can visit: https://www.careers360.com/colleges/dronacharya-college-of-engineering-gurgaon/cut-off
Also, you can go through our college predictor to check which other colleges you are eligible for through your JEE Mains score. The link for the college predictor is:
JEE Main College Predictor – Know your College Admission Chances Based ...
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