I got 97.92 percentile . category EWS domicile Andhra Pradesh.AIR rank and EWS rank
To check the overall expected rank based on the percentile you can use our JEE Main rank predictor tool
As per our JEE main rank predictor tool the overall expected rank will be 21278 - 23920. The category rank is difficult to predict as it depends on total number of candidates belonging to EWS category appeared for exam, top score, tie breaks etc. The estimated category rank is around 3000. The rank may vary depending on above mentioned factors. Considering the previous year cut off in 2020 JoSAA round 6 under EWS (other state) category you have chances of getting seat in
- National Institute of Technology Agartala: Computer Science and Engineering
- National Institute of Technology Goa: Mechanical Engineering
- National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
The cut off depends on number of candidates appeared, difficulty level of exam, total number of seats available etc. So the cut off changes every year.
To check the cut off for NITs and IIITs Use the links given below to check the cut off for NITs and IIITs
To know more colleges use our JEE Main college predictor tool