I got DAYANAND SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING mechanical. Is it good average or poor. Please suggest.
Hello Hariom,
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering has got a rating of AAAA which means very good. So the college ia definitely verg good. It has also got overall star rating of 3.8 stars out of 5 and this means this college is a good college to get admission into.
The college have ratings like, 3.4 placements, 4.2 infrastructure, 4.2 college life, 3.2 faculty and Many more.
So this proves it is a good institution. So you can think of enrolling yourself here.
Hope this helps, Thank You
All the best
Hey Narayan,
Dayanand sagar college of engineering is an average college, it is a private college estd in 1979.
It is an average coollege, placement is not very good but medium.

Dear NArayan,
The college is good in term of placement, in term of rating, in term of all
Do one thing juts use the below link to know more about that college,
I hope this will help you.