I got the 1200 rank in gbu. Can I got the it branch
Hello Ritik,
Based on the rank you have obtained you might have a less chances to get an admission for IT branch as it is the most preferred branch, but you need not worry about it,as nothing can be determined accurately unless the actual cut off is released by the University. Therefore don't lose your hope and keep trying through the various counselling rounds. You can go through this link for more details about the college, https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjP7sPbjZvjAhUYA3IKHdeKABcQzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.careers360.com%2Funiversity%2Fgautam-buddha-university-greater-noida&psig=AOvVaw16nLy_V8bR5TIECOOxOgp8&ust=1562324306001303.
Good Luck!