I got the following marks in CBSE XII :- Math(91) Chem(95) IP (100) Ph. Edu(98) Eng(97) Phy(85).I want to pursue B.Sc Chemistry Honours.
Answer (1)
Your best of 4 is 92 and if you are from general category then you will not get admission in the colleges that you have mentioned.
But if you are from obc then you can get admission in shivaji college and atma ram sanatan dharma college , rajdhani college, sri venkateswara collge.
I hope this will help you .
Your best of 4 is 92 and if you are from general category then you will not get admission in the colleges that you have mentioned.
But if you are from obc then you can get admission in shivaji college and atma ram sanatan dharma college , rajdhani college, sri venkateswara collge.
I hope this will help you .

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