I had completed My 12th MPC with65% and iam weak in mathematics, would it will be better if I join Btech or Not Plzz tell me
As you mentioned you completed your intermediate with mathematics so, there is no way to left in between of path. You have work harder to improve your math instead of running away from it.
In my opinion you should have to join BTech and work on your mathematics.
Good Luck !!
hey Ramakant
first of all remove the stress from your brain B. Tech is not everything in life to do there are many other courses too. you said you are weak in maths and have acquired 65% in class 12 so it totally depends on your desire of intrest do what you are intrested in. marks doesn't matters, it doesn't matters how much marks you have secured if you like the work you can go with it.
hope this helps!!

Hello Ramakanth, in the first year you have subjects like integral calculus, differential calculus which involve some tough concepts like integration and differentiation. If you think you can work hard in the 1st year and get pass marks then it won't be a problem from further years because then the course subjects will take over which involve basis maths and not much tough concepts. But you would need to clear the first year by working hard.