I had got 45303 rank in uptu 2020 which college i will got in ece branch in meerut and Ghaziabad
Hi aspirant, since you have 45303 rank in UPSEE so according to your question you want any college in Ghaziabad or Meerut with ECE branch so for you below I'm mentioning the colleges you can get within this rank;
In Ghaziabad Region:
- ABES Institute of Technology
- Indraprasth Engineering College
- IMS Engineering College
- Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College
- Babu Banarasi Das Institute of Technology
- Ideal Institute of Technology
In Meerut Region:
- Bharat Institute of Technology
- Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology
- ABSS Institute of Technology
- JP Institute of Engineering and Technology
- College of Engineering and Rural Technology
- IIMT University
Moreover you can also visit on the below page where you can predict your UPSEE college by your own on behalf of your rank;
Good Luck.