I have 23400 ews rank can I get any NIT and mechanical branch if not then with branch will I get
Your profile suggests that your home state is Maharashtra
Making prediction is difficult as cutoff depends upon various factors like :-
-----------) number of students/ candidates that appeared in the jee main exam,
-----------) number of available seats,
-----------) jee main examination difficulty level.
-----------) the branch you want,
-----------) the category you belong etc.
-----------) your rank in jee main
But yes,
When we go through previous year trend then
With 23400 ews rank,
You have very low chance in any NITs for any branch be it mechanical or any other branch dear.
For example,
Under other state quota , closing rank for some of the nits for which closing rank goes low are listed below along with their closing rank in the 6th round of josaa counselling 2020 :-
---------) NIT Nagaland :- Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering :- 8007 EWS rank
---------) NIT Raipur :- biotechnology :- 8096 ews rank
---------) National Institute of Technology Agartala:- production engineering :- 8629 ews rank
You can verify the above at
So, to get a seat in even lower NITs in lower branches you should have got at least around 8000 ews rank
But yes,
Some of the government engineering colleges in which you hold a chance on the basis of past year closing rank are listed below along with the link for their previous year cutoff :-
-------) Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar :- https://www.careers360.com/colleges/indira-gandhi-engineering-college-sagar/cut-off
-------) IK Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar:- https://www.careers360.com/university/ik-gujral-punjab-technical-university-jalandhar/cut-off
-------) Jiwaji University, Gwalior:- https://www.careers360.com/university/jiwaji-university-gwalior/cut-off
This prediction of colleges is based of past year data but cut off or closing rank changes every year depending upon many factors like the number of students that give the examination, difficulty level of the JEE main for different shifts etc so
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
Thank you