I have 355 marks in neet 2019. category rank 13177. will i get any medical college in aiq counselling
No you have no chance to get any college in all india counselling as the all india counselling is for the govt. medical and dental colleges only. Even through state quota counselling it would be difficult for you to get the govt. seats. You may have to go for the paid seats with your marks.So I would suggest you that you do not go for the all india counselling but go for the state quota counselling to get the seat.
Dear candidate,
Colleges is totally depend on the marks you got and the rank. Different states have their own criteria for seats to allote. Under state quota the 85 percent reservation for state students and under all india quota the 15 seats for the other state students.
As you have not mentioned about any state or category, its difficult to say about any college with any information. If st or sc go for the home state seats .
For that here I am providing you with the link of our site portal to predict your college by just mentioning your information for the college and know you applicable colleges.
Follow the below link to predict your college:
Hope this information helps you to get college details.
Thank you

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