Hy abhishek
As looking at your scores you have average academics. And your raw score in CAT is 111 which will be equivalent to in between 85 to 95 percentile
You can apply for colleges like IMT ghaziabad which is very good for marketing, IMI delhi again very good for marketing, MICA which is good for marketing and advertising, XIMB which is good for business communication and HR
Also some other colleges like GIM( Goa Institute of Management), GLIM( great lakes), LBS( lal bahadur shastri management), FORE, BIMTECH NOIDA, FMS BHU, UBS (University business school) Chandigarh.
Among IIMs there is probability that you can get a call from IIM Lukhnow which give 20% weightage to academics and 60% to CAT and rest to the work experience and GD/PI. And IIM Kozhikode which give 15% weightage to academics.
Good luck
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