I have 87.4% in 10th and 73.8% in 12th and 67.4% in graduation ,can I get a call from iim if I score 99 percentile in cat exam
You have a pretty average academic score and Some B-schools consider your academics but still Yes you can get into top b-schools, provided you have a percentile in the common admissions test(CAT) too a cat percentile of 98+ for mediocre IIMs and 99+ for the top ones. But you can absolutely forget IIMs- Ahmedabad , Bangalore,v Calcutta,Indore as they focus on acads and you have a very average profile as of now but still there are lots of other factors which govern whether you'll be gettin a call from the top IIMs or not like which company did you work for, if the company is one in which the selection rate is less or the selection criteria is hard, which college you did your undergraduate degree from, which course did you pursue, many other factors which play a role. But it depends also on what course you prusue in your graduation considering you are a student from the commerce/business stream.
Please focus on your undergraduation marks too and do a lot of Internships to improve your profile and hence increase the chances of getting a call.
You can reach out to us for more information regarding admissions entrance tests etc.
Hope it helps.
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