I have academic score 64%in 12 and 62% in 10 so can I get top college through CAT when I have CAT score is good percentile
I am assuming you are from general category. Based on your overall academic profile, you will need to score atleast 99.5 percentile to get a call for the next round of FMS.
All the best!
Hello Zaid! Your past academic records are average. You have first division marks, which would not be a hindrance to the eligibility criteria for taking entrance exams or applying to B-schools. However, considering the IIMs, FMS or other top B-schools which assign a particular weightage for the past acads, it would be difficult to get high marks in that parameter. Now take for instance, if you secure over 99 percentile in CAT, you will get a high score in the CAT parameter. But in the past academics parameter, your score would be moderate. Now coming to the weightages assigned to past acads and the composite score based on all the parameters, your admission chance will be decided, which may vary from B-School to B-School. A large part of your admission chance also depends on the fellow applicants and their score. For example, if a candidate secures 99-100 percentile, 90% marks in Class 10, 12 and a high percentage in graduation, s/he would automatically have a better chance than you. The admission process to B-schools like IIMs is unpredictable in that way.
Since you would be appearing for CAT 2018, I suggest you focus on the preparation aspect now rather than contemplating your admission chances. In case you are curious, you may look at the IIM admission criteria for 2018-20 here:
Yes, you can get top college through CAT if your score is good. You need to score above 99 to get calls from IIM's.
Good luck!!
Hi Zaid,
As per the eligibility criteria of CAT, you should have 50% marks in aggregate in graduation. For SC, ST and other categories, there is a relaxation of 5%. So, you fit the eligibility criteria of the exam. To get into IIMs or other top B-schools which accept the CAT score, the first thing you would need to do is score a really high percentile in CAT exam. If you meet the cutoff criterion of IIMs or other top B-schools such as FMS, MDI, JBIMS, etc. you will be shortlisted for the admission process which includes Writing Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI).
Remember, CAT score is used only for shortlisting purpose by IIMs and other participating institutes. Once you are shortlisted, you would appear for the selection rounds – GD, PI and WAT.
Once you appear for all these rounds, the institutes will rate your profile on the basis of your performance in all the selection rounds. Your past academic performance like marks in 10th and 12th work experience will also be considered before the final selection and the final merit list will be prepared and that will decide your selection.
To know the entire CAT selection process in detail, kindly explore the link below:
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All the best.
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