I have compartment in 12 and I want to under graduate in mass communication
Answer (1)
Mass communicationis a process in which a person, group of people, or an organization sends a message through a channel of communication to a large group of anonymous and heterogeneous people and organizations. You can think of a large group of anonymous and heterogeneous people as either the general public or a segment of the general public. Channels of communication include broadcast television, radio, social media, and print. The sender of the message is usually a professional communicator that often represents an organization. Mass communication is an expensive process. Unlike interpersonal communication, feedback for mass communication is usually slow and indirect.
Types :-
1) Advertising, which consists of communications attempting to induce purchasing behavior.
2) Journalism, such as news.
3) Public relations, which is communication intended to influence public opinion on a product or organization.
Types :-
1) Advertising, which consists of communications attempting to induce purchasing behavior.
2) Journalism, such as news.
3) Public relations, which is communication intended to influence public opinion on a product or organization.

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