I have completed my b.tech in 65% in 2016 and a diploma in 71% but 10th in 51.4% in between this 2 years gap I have done some courses
Dear you have not mentioned that from which college or branch you have done your diploma and Btech.Also as per my knowledge Diploma holders from most of the branches get jobs quickly and will have to do some labour work in companies.After gaining some experience and knowledge they can shift their jobs to higher position.Now,as you have completed your Btech. and that too with 65% so now your chances of getting a good jobs are already there and also you have done some courses.So,i would recommend you to improve your English both written and soft skills.Then apply for some exams like AMCAT,elitmus where aptitude and english is required.So,prepare your aptitude also.You will definitely get a job if you have done your degree seriously and preparation also.
Hope this helps.All the best.