i have done my diploma course in culinary art and patisserie, completed my internship and on the job training also so can i join this course?

sadia ansari 23rd Aug, 2022
Answer (1)
thakurvishesh1 23rd Aug, 2022

Always make long-term career plans and strive to achieve your objectives. You might not be fully prepared to assume the responsibilities of managing a professional kitchen when you first graduate from college. Working at lower levels first is necessary before moving up the hierarchy. After graduating from the Culinary Academy, I was hired by P&O Cruises UK as a Third Cook, but it was the experience I gained there that helped shape my technical skills into what they are today.

So, essentially yes, after completing a diploma in culinary arts, you can definitely go for any such course that falls under your domain! Hope I have answered your question. All the best!

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