I have got 400 score in gate 2018 in electrical engineering. What are the chances available for me ? Can I get nit's ?
You can get the exact information regarding your
question in a link. Career 360 is up with a specific link
where you can check the availability of colleges based on
your GATE score marks 2018 with PSU chances. The link is:
Gate college predictor
Thank you, all the best.
Seriously SC and ST people are the most previliaged in this aspect...their cut off is almost 10 marks less than general category..
And if you qualify gate just apply CCMT, you will definitely get seat in any Nit at least spot councelling..don't listen to people who say that you won't get into any with this score and all such bull shit comments...and regret after every thing goes out from your hand..if just getting mtech seat is your priority...else depends on the area...usually design, thermal are hot cakes...you can't get them unless your score is 550+ for obc and 640+ for general...the cutoff purely depends on the area and college...
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