i have got 50 percent marks in graduation..if i will get good percentile in CAT OR MAT. will i get admission in good college or should i stop dreaming of mba?
Dear Himanshu,
Whether you will be able to or not will do an MBA solely depends on you and how strong your dream is. I am not going to simply say some positive words but show you the possibilities that are out there which may act in your favour as you have not mentioned many of your details regarding your 10th and 12th percentage and about your achievements.
1. Depending on what you identify as "Good" college it may depend, if you aim at Tier 1 college the chances are low until and unless your 10th and 12th score is more than 90% and you have many national level achievements and CAT score between 98 - 100 percentile.
2. You need to give your best in not only in CAT, MAT but also in XAT , SNAP and IIFT and should try to get very high percentile.
3. Do not restrict your view of college restricted but keep an open perspective and look for opportunities that you receive but at the same time MBA is not a big deal as it is just a degree/ post graduate diploma (based on which college you apply) what matters is that you understand that and do not think as if life has ended for you.
4. Now having realized where you stand,it is up to you to stand up with strength and face the consequences of whatever had happened in the past. In your case the 50 percentage in graduation though may be low but you need to accept and move forward and atleast give your best so that you'd be happy that you atleast tried.
5. If you are open to joining Tier 3 college it would still be an amazing opportunity for you because the subjects are same in most colleges it's only how it is delivered and the competitive attitude amongst the peer students that creates the difference in the learning and college.
6. You can do certifications too once you join a b-school which not only will showcase your passion but will help you showcase your knowledge, skill as well as the attitude towards learning and growth which most company appreciates.
7. Most importantly that you need to ask yourself is that, why do you want to do MBA so badly, once you get an answer to that use that as an motivation to achieve what you want to and as I had already mentioned before MBA is just a degree and whatever you do, do it with passion and dedication then excellence will follow.
So the only option left for you is to move forward and achieve what you couldn't do in graduation,so study well with dedication with an eye to your goal and while doing that become the best in quant,LRDI and RC and who knows maybe you could guide others and find your true vision. My best wishes.
No, Never give up. When there's a will, there is a way.
Now, getting admission into MBA is not based on your graduation marks, most of the Institutes only care about your performance in CAT/MAT examinination.
If you a good percentage in your entrance examination, then most of the Institutes don't consider your graduation percentage, where few Institutes need a minimum percentage in graduation.
Don't get tensed about your graduation percentage, you have a minimum percentage which is news for getting admission.
So, don't get tensed about it, just prepare best, and give your best. Best of luck
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