I have got 61095 ranking in my cet which college will i get throught cet..
Answers (2)
You will definitely get government college for sure
Comments (0)
Hello suprith,
Please mention the state whose cet you've just mentioned to know more about the colleges in your state and the ones that you can apply to
All the best
Please mention the state whose cet you've just mentioned to know more about the colleges in your state and the ones that you can apply to
All the best
Comments (2)
Karnataka cet
Kcet cutoff 2018 is set to be announced by 2nd week of july 2018. As per your rank you can check the favourable colleges in the last years cutoff list of 2016/17. Please visit the link above to know about past cutoff lists
All the best
Kcet cutoff 2018 is set to be announced by 2nd week of july 2018. As per your rank you can check the favourable colleges in the last years cutoff list of 2016/17. Please visit the link above to know about past cutoff lists
All the best