I have got 7922 rank in ews and 63112 common rank . Can I get Cs in any nit?
The category of EWS was introduced only this year. So based on your EWS rank it is not possible to predict the possibility of getting into any of the NITs. So I am using the Common Rank List and rank there to predict your college according to previous year cut-off.
With rank of 63,112 chances are there for Computer Science and Engineering in NITs Agartala, Goa, Hamirpur, Puducherry, Sikkim, Manipur, Mizoram, Assam University (Silchar).
The cut-offs vary every year and depends on quota, category, gender, seat matrix.
You can check previous year cut-off of JoSAA Counselling at https://josaa.nic.in/webinfocms/public/view.aspx?page=46