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Latest: CMAT 2025 College Predictor
Don't Miss: CMAT 2025: Scores, percentile, and list of BSchools accepting 50 to 90+ percentile
PUMBA does not accept CMAT score. It accept only CAT/MAT/ATMA/XAT/MH-CET entrance exam. You can also assure with the given below link. Based on your CMAT score if you want to check your other chances then you can use CMAT Pathfinder Tool.
CMAT Pathfinder Tool
Good Luck!
Hello Tanya! Can you please let me know about your CMAT score and rank and also, your academic details so that I can guide you in a better way about this college ussing college predictor tool of careers360?
Know your college admission chances based on your academic profile, CMAT score, and CMAT percentile by using CMAT 2025 College Predictor.
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