i have got a score of 61.33 && 68.45% in CAT 2018 what are some good colleges to look for in tamil nadu
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Hi Yadav, there are some top colleges all over India for this percentile itself. Some of them are VIT Business School, Vellore, Amrita school of business, Coimbatore etc. I will attach a referemce link, where you can see the differemt colleges that can be obtained for the aboce percentile. But as far as the reports it is tough for BIM Trichy, because it expects More than 90 percentile for general category, 70 percentile for obc category, and 65 percentile for reserved category.

CAT percentile above 90(gen)can help you with getting a conversion in BIM Trichy.
70 for OBC category and 65 for reserved categories.
veltech business school,chennai---60 percentile
thiagarajar school of management, thrupparankundram----65 percentile
rajagiri center for business studies, kochi----65 percentile
St. josephs institute of management,Tiruchirappalli

CAT 2025: VARC, DILR, and Quant MCQs & Weightages
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