I have only 10th ,inter 1st and 2nd year bonafieds only ,ARE Those enough for for Ts eamcet 2021 counselling ??
The documents required for TS EAMCET counselling are
- TS EAMCET 2021 Rank Card
- TS EAMCET 2021 Hall Ticket
Aadhaar Card
Mark Sheets of all classes from class 6 onward to qualifying degree
Transfer Certificate (T.C) from school last attended
Intermediate or its equivalent Memo-cum-Pass Certificate
Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2021 if applicable
Caste Certificate issued by competent authority if applicable
Residence certificate of either of parents in Telangana for a period of 10 years in case of Non-Local candidates.
Residence certificate in case where the candidate has no institutionalized education.
If you have the above documents you will have no problem in counselling.