I have studied from 1-12 in kar in eng med and mother tongue is Kannada which catg do I belong to SCK or SCG PLEASE RESPOND FAST
Hello Shreyas,
Reserved, Rural, Kannada Medium & all Special categories: In this round, the casual vacancies, if any, will be offered to all reserved, rural and Kannada medium candidates such as SCR, SCK, SCG, STR, STK, STG, 1R, 1K, 1G, 2AR, 2AK, 2AG, 2BR, 2BK, 2BG, 3AR, 3AK, 3AG, 3BR, 3BK, 3BG, GMR, GMK and other Special Categories. SCK and SCG stands for scheduled caste Kannada and General respectively difference is that if the candidate belongs to both kannada medium and SC category can opt this option, if the same is when candidates belongs to SC Category but under general not under any reservations like Kannada Medium or rural such can opt SCG.