I have to ask that in some colleges bsc optometry is of 4 years and in some it is for 3 years.. What's the difference between 3 nd 4 years.
Answer (1)
Optometry courses are of two types. That is-
B.Sc in Optometry and Bachelor's in Optometry. And yes, there's a difference between these two.
B.Sc Optometry is a 3 years bachelor's in science course, where 1 year internship is required sometimes.
On the other hand, Bachelor in Optometry is a 4 years course, with compulsory 1 year internship.
B.Sc in Optometry and Bachelor's in Optometry. And yes, there's a difference between these two.
B.Sc Optometry is a 3 years bachelor's in science course, where 1 year internship is required sometimes.
On the other hand, Bachelor in Optometry is a 4 years course, with compulsory 1 year internship.
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