I have YearBack in BTech What should I do? How my life continue....The Mtech at IIT s is help for me?
Hi there Midasala! Hope you're having a great day.
I would like to you inform you that GATE will be the only and the best option for you because it does not demand any specific criteria as per percentages is concerned as well as their is no provision for year back in the GATE exam. So you should attempt this exam with utmost hardwork and get your life back ontrack.
Hope this helps. Thank you.

Failures are parts of life.And there's a great saying that One who doesn't fall,Doesn't stand up.So, thank to do for whatever you have and start putting your life is right path. First of all start loving what you are studying and trust me this will change your life.
Study hard with effectiveness , efficiency and discipline.Once you will he habituated of these qualities,trust me sky will be limit.
Clear all your papers and start preparing for GATE with heart and soul and get a good rank and you will get your desired IITs for M.tech.
Stand up and show the world and show to yourself that you are the best.
I hope this helps.