I HV 10th 40% Nd 12th 51% Nd grad 60% mark but I m belong SC caste , So if I m gud score in CAT then any IIM calls me or not ???
Try to get maximum percentile in Cat. This time someone with 76 percentile got into IIM rohtak. So chances are bright to get calls from all new IIMs. But one thing is for sure, you will be asked in the inteviews about your past performance, so you have to be logical and ready for being grilled by the interview panel. Dont only rely on past statistics because they sometimes change drastically. Although chances of such happenings are low but better be cautious than sorry.
Competition for Top Bschools is very tough so you might get waitlisted and then convert your call. Instead if you have higher Cat percentile you will have a better shot to convert good Bschools.

Dear Ashutosh,
The selection criteria of MBA is different for every institute.
If you manage to secure good CAT percentile ideally greater than 70 and section wise greater than 60 then some colleges will give you a call. Also you can check some of the Top IITs that do not give much preference to past academics.
All the best

If you score good then iim calls you...Your graduation percentage is decent for getting addmission in iim for management courses...
Best of luck!!!

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