I just want to know the difference between ECE and EE
Here is a comparison between Electronics and Communications Engineering AND Electrical Engineering
EEE – (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) – Electrical device uses the electrical energy for performing the work and electronics device use the controls the flow of electrons for performing the work.
- Electrical device convert the electrical energy into other form like heat, light and mechanical and electronic device control the flow of electrons for performing the particular task .
- It is full name of electrical & electronics engineering; it is deals with electrical technology and machine, circuit analysis, electronics, electromagnetism, electrical engineering material, instrumentation, control system, power engineering and transmission and distribution.
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering branch deals with Electrical technology and machines, circuit analysis, electronics, electromagnetism, electrical engineering materials, instrumentation, control systems, power engineering and transmission and distribution.
ECE – (Electronics & Communication Engineering) – Communication engineering is belongs to transfer the information one place to other via transmission and receiver.
- Electronics are deals with Basic electronics , microcontroller , solid state device analog transmission, microprocessor, analog integrated circuits and communication deals with satellite communication, microwave engineering, antenna and wave progression. It also deals with the manufacturing electronics devices, circuit, and communication equipments.
- It is deals with digital electronics, embedded system, control system, VLSI design, and wireless and radio communication system.
- Also, it contains basics on electrical machines and more on integrated circuits and communication systems. This branch mainly deals with analog transmission, basic electronics, solid state devices, microprocessors, digital and analog communication, analog integrated circuits, satellite communication, microwave engineering, antennae and wave progression. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment.
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