I learn Front-end in JavaScript.How can i self taught AI for my web?What should i learn? Should i use other language in Backend as i want Full stack web with Artificial intelligence? What is best Front-end and Back-end for Artificial intelligence website?
Hello dear,
Firstly can you precisely mention what do you mean by an Artificial Intelligence website, or exactly what all do you want to incorporate in your AI site? Now if you want just to add a chatbot, you can find many videos related to the same from YouTube. More so, you can use certain websites which help you to create chatbots absolutely for free (do a bit of googling and you'll be well set) without even coding.
Now coming to development of the website both front-end and back-end, only JS won't really work. Firstly, you need to learn the basics HTML (to create the framework), CSS(to design), JS(to create dynamicity) and any framework. For back-end along with JS, you do need a programming language and I would advice use Python as you'll get lots of help while integrating your AI tools. Also, you need to learn DBMS to be precise so as to store and work with the collected data.