I m a phd scholar. How can i prepare for synopsis? Plz give me some ideas.
Hey! Since you are a Ph.d scholar , writing a synposis isn't going to be too hard for you , if you follow the below mentioned guidelines: Give the title: Who all made contribution to projext Team details should be given The main reason or motive should be clearly mentioned Bibiliography Category of the project Present status of development of project Statement of problems Hypothesis must not be rejected Precise the things give theGist the whole project Target the audience Write professionally. It should bevfree from errors The term project synopsis mainly defines the core of any project dealing with. To understand and have a brief idea regarding the project, the synopsis of the project works well. The projects can be of any type, be it academic or professional, preparing a synopsis is very much essential. The length of the synopsis should not be too much, an average of 2-3 pages will be sufficient but can be modified or extended depending upon the project. The main aim of preparing a project synopsis is to provide an objective and working procedure of the project