i m already studying in agriculture bhu 2nd year and want go crack neet 2020 but unable to manage time due to college and semester paper .... how to manage my time .... plzz someone reply .....?
This problem is understood. But, the way you utilise your time is completely dependent on you. The key mantra- ' every second is important ' . You don't have to waste even a second of your entire 24 hours day in order to make time. You can study, getting up early in the morning, may be 4:00am, till it's time to get ready for College. Then, you may satart studying in the evening or night, when you finish off with your college homework and studying for semester end exams. Divide the time. Study a little for the semester and a little for neet. But, as the time is near, neet should be the priority. Solving question banks will help you here. This way, you will be able to cover every topic soon as well as revise your weak points. So, solve as many questions including previous year question papers as you can. This will save time up to an extent, and give better results. Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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