i missed the date for appling msc forensic Science. Is there managment seat? kindly help! i badly want to make my carrier in msc forensic Science.
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Due to country wide lockdown, various Higher Educational Institutes have postponed their application process for the new session (2020-21) or extended their last dates for submitting the applications.
Even if you might've missed a few opportunities for some colleges, you can still apply for some popular institutes in this field like -
M.Sc. in Forensic Science course in University of Delhi
M.Sc. in Forensic Science and Toxicology course in Chandigarh University
M.Sc. in Forensic Sciences in SGT University
MS and MS Integrated courses offered by Gujarat Forensic Science University
given that you are satisfying their respective eligibility criteria.
The application portal is currently open for Chandigarh University.
Kindly check their respective official websites for getting admission alerts or stay connected to us to get recent updates.
Don't hesitate to comment below your doubts (if any).
Hope this answer will be helpful.
Can u just tell me the entrance test syllabus of mysore and manipal..... I need to crack those exams
We are happy to help you. And we understand your family's concern.
Kasturba Medical College, Manipal offers M.Sc. in Forensic Science course and it conducts Department Test (DT) and Subject Interview/Personal Interview for selection of candidates.
The duration of this test will be 60 minutes and there will be a total of 50 MCQ type questions in it.
20 questions - Forensic Science,
5 questions - Biology,
5 questions - Chemistry,
5 questions - Biochemistry
5 questions - Geology
5 questions - Microbiology
5 questions - Physiology
Max. marks = 50
Marking Scheme : +1 for every correct answer and no negative marking for wrong/unattempted questions.
Syllabus :-
1.For Forensic Science - Basic Laws: Workman’s Compensation Act, MTP act, POCSO Act, NDPS Act, Indian Motor Vehicles Act, Child Labour Prevention Act, etc.
Natural disasters: Important mass disasters happened in the recent years, probable reasons for the same, investigative methods applied.
Crime scene investigation: Investigating crime scene, methods used, precautions taken; Identification of dead by using various methods/techniques; Various poisons, types of snakes, animal bites, biological evidences – collection and their use in criminal justice system.
a) Biology: Introduction to biological concepts and contributions of scientists like Charaka, Sushrutha, Charles Darwin, Gregor Mendel, Louis Pasteur, J. C. Bose, Joseph Mueller, J.D. Watson, Francis Harry Compton Crick, Har Gobind Khorana, Barbara McClintock,Venkatraman Ramakrishnan and others.
Definition and scope of Biology and its main branches - Botany and Zoology. Evolution of animal body (germ layers, symmetry, body cavity, etc.), Principles of animal classification, nomenclature and concept of species and general characteristics.
Biodiversity of fauna, importance and its conservation, wild life of India, Morphology. Plant taxonomy.
Cell Biology: Structure and functions of cell components, Cell division and types. Concept of cell cycle. Mitotic division and
Chromosomes: Discovery, shape, size and number of chromosomes, Autosomes and allosomes; Karyotype and idiogram. Chemical composition and function and general structure. Types of chromosomes based on the position of centromere. Ultrastructural organization of the eukaryotic chromosome - nucleosome model. Numerical aspects of chromosomes: monosomy and trisomy and euploidy, Concept of gene (prokaryotic and eukaryotic), Genetic disorders in man: Chromosomal disorders - Down’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome,
Turner’s syndrome and Cri-du-Chat syndrome. Gene disorders - Sickle cell anaemia, Haemophilia, Thalassemia.
b) Chemistry: Periodic properties: Atomic radius, covalent, ionic & van der Waal’s radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity; Acids and Bases: Lewis concepts of acids and bases with examples and Solvent system. Conjugate acid-base pairs.
Hard and Soft Acids and Bases (HSAB), Pearson’s HSAB concept-acid base strengths and hardness and softness.
Chemical kinetics: Law of mass action, Rate of reaction, Order and molecularity of reaction, I, II & III order reactions, determination of order (differential, half-life and isolation methods). Effect of temperature of reaction rates- Arrhenius equation.
Oils, Fats & Waxes: Composition and analysis of fats and oils; Acid value, saponification value, iodine value, manufacture of soap, cleaning action of soaps & detergents,
d) Geology: Structure of the Earth beneath its surface, and the processes that have shaped that structure, tools to determine the relative and absolute ages of rocks found in a given location.
e) Microbiology: Unicellular (single cell), multicellular (cell colony), or acellular (lacking cells); Eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms; common diseases caused by bacteria, virus and fungus.
f) Physiology: Blood and its components, functions, normal values in males and females; endocrine glands and their functions.
Source : https://manipal.edu/entrancetest
Entrance Test Syllabus (as per session 2019-20) :
(a) Definition, Nature, Scope and Importance of Criminology: Relationship with other social sciences; Criminal Law-Definition and characteristics. (b) Crime Definitions and Characteristics (c) Classification of Crime under English Common Law, Indian Penal Code, Indian Police Crime particulars (d) Theories of Criminology- Demonological theory, Classical and Neo-Classical,Typological and Sociological.
(a) Crime Causes- Social, Economic, Political and Psychological (b) Types of Criminals- Habitual, Professional and White Collar criminals (c) Social Problems: Meaning, Causes & Prevention of Child in Conflict with law [Juveniles Delinquency], Prostitution, Dowry menace and Drug abuse (d) Victimology-Meaning, development and importance, Typology of victims,
Victimizing factors & Victim Compensation.
(a) Historical Development of Penology and Definitions of Punishment, Concepts of
correctional administration and types of Punishments (b) Theories of punishments: Retributive, Prevention, Deterrence and Reformative (c) Prisons- Historical development of Indian prisons, Prison administration, Classification of prisons & Prisoners, Non-institutional programs - Probation; Parole and After-Care & Functions (d) Unusual problems in Correctional Institutions.
(a) Forensic Science- Historical development and Principles, Pioneers and their
contributions (b) Forensic Science Laboratories- organization divisions and functions of the Central and
state laboratories. Role of experts in crime investigation and detection (c) Trace Evidences such as Hair and fiber, Glass Fractures, Tool marks, Paint and Soil (d) Forensic Ballistics-Meaning, Classification of firearms and ammunition, Identification of Firearm and the shooter, Explosives: meaning & classification Types.
Unit- V
(a) Introduction to fingerprints- Meaning, importance, historical development and Principles
of Dactyloscopy.
(b) Recording of fingerprints, Identification and Classification of Patterns and ridge
(c) Chance Prints- meaning, types and methods of their development.
(d) Footprints- Meaning, importance, types, methods of recording and lifting and Gait
(a) Inquest: Police, Magistrates and Medical Examiners System (b) Wounds & Injuries-Meaning, types, Characteristics and Medico-legal importance of wounds and injuries (c) Death-Meaning, modes and Changes after death (d) Body Fluids such as Blood, DNA profiling etc
(a) General organization of the State Police-Administrative hierarchy and the Ranges; (b) Special units of State Police: CID, DCRE, KSRP, GRP (c) Central Police Organizations (d) Police Station- Meaning, establishment, types and functions.
(a) Crime prevention- Patrolling, Surveillance and Criminal Intelligence (b) Voluntary agencies in crime prevention (c) Civil Defense, V D P’s, Special police Officers Wing and Community policing (d) Human Rights and Police Public relationship
(a) Investigation- Meaning, importance, Techniques of crime investigation (b) Scene of Crime, types, methods of search and collection and preservation of Physical clues. Sketching and Photography & Videography (c) Interviewing of witnesses and techniques (d) Interrogation of suspects- Traditional and scientific such as Polygraph, Narco-analysis and Brain Finger Printing.
(a) Indian Penal Code- Offence against Persons such as Culpable Homicide (Sections.- 299-304, 304 A & B and 307.), Hurt- Simple and Grievous (Sections- 319-325), Kidnapping and Abduction. (359-363) and (Sections -375, 376.) (b) Offences against property-Theft and Extortion (Sections-378-384), Robbery and Dacoity,(Sections- 390, 391-395.), Cheating, Criminal trespass and House Breaking. (Sections - 415-420,441-447) (c) Code of Criminal Procedure- Introduction, organization and powers of Criminal Law
Courts in India, Police powers of arrest, search and seizure (d) Indian Evidence Act-Admissions, Confessions, Dying Declarations. Of Experts, Oral and Documentary Evidence.
Some books have been recommended by the University to help you in your preparation, which are -
1. Criminology and Penology by Prof Panjape N.V.
2. Criminology by Ram Ahuja
3. Introduction to forensic Science by Dr. B.S. Naber.
4. Synopsis of Forensic Medicine by Dr. K.S. Narayan Reddy.
5. Police and Polity in India by P.D. Sharma.
6. Karnataka Police Manual.
7. Criminal Major Acts Eastern Law Publications, Allahabad.
Source : http://pgadmissions.uni-mysore.ac.in/syllabus
I hope this information will help you. All the very best!
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