I need help with RC section. can anybody help?
Reasing more of author books lkke Charles Dickens, reading two newspaper daily lkke ET and Business standard, and watching two channels lkke Bloomberg and CNBC may help you in overcoming your weaknesses and building up your soft skills and listening skills important to crack RCs.
In the end you need to periodically give mock tests and optimjze your score by solvibg only the easier ones.
Technically there are 3 ways to read the passage. Some of them are:
The Classic Way - Read the passage first and then attempt the questions after comprehension.
The Bottom-up Approach - Read the questions first and then read the passage and then read the questions and then answer.
The New Age approach - Read the first question as it is adjacent to the passage and then follow the classic way. (You will get the details for it online)
Attempt those passage first which you are comfortable in and so you will be able to manage time accordingly.
Some of the novels you can prefer reading are:
a. Sophies World by Jostein Gaarder
b. The story of philosophy by Will Durant
c. The History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell
Practice RCs and get in the habit of solving them this is the only way you will excel with the section and technique.
All the best.
First of all you need to improve your reading speed and skills. For that you should start reading different paragraphs daily, you need to figure out your own fastest speed in which you can read and understand each sentence properly. To increase this speed only way is to keep on reading articles, news, books. You can also use this technique to be updated with current news which will help you in your interview after CAT exam.
Secondly whenever you are reading any passage make a habit of noting down keywords, key points in short. Also note down what you think an author is wanting to specify, what is his message, what is his tone of communication, on which thing he is focussing and how he wants to end up his conversation. If you are able to figure out these things before looking down any questions asked below passage then you will be able to solve at least 90% of questions accurately. THIS IS A KEY STEP TO IMPROVE YOUR MARKS IN RC SECTION. So make sure you follow it. You should keep practising in any article in newspaper, internet, magazine, books. This will help you broaden your mind to understand the mindsets of different writers which is essential in attempting RC section.
All the best for your preparations and exam!!
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