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Hello, .
UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of three stages-
Preliminary : First Stage is MCQs based exam, it has two papers and each one consists of 200 marks,its numbers ain't added to final list, you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
First is GS Paper-I which consists of the following topic such as History of India and Indian national movement, Indian and World geography, Economic and social development- sustainable development, poverty,inclusion demographics, social sector initiatives etc,Indian polity and governance-constitution,political system,Current Events nationally and Internationally, General Science,General Issues on environmental ecology,biodiversity and climate change. you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
Second Paper is CSAT which is qualifying by nature,you need to score merely 33% which is 66 marks out of 200, it includes following topics such as basic numeracy, comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical ability, general mental ability, decision making and problem solving, interpersonal skills including communication skills.
Mains : This is a second stage which it's more of a subjective type, you are required to write answers for Four General Studies Paper such as
In total there are nine papers in Mains, and each paper is of 250 marks, total adds up to 1750 marks.
Interview : The two stages are further followed by personality test of 275 marks. This tests a broader aspect of your personality, it covers various topics related to your background, academics,home state, college, work experiences(if any) and various such relevant details, this is not a knowledge based judgement process as your knowledge are tested in the earlier two phases, but one thing you must continue doing is reading newspaper, many current events questions will be asked and remember to have a well-balanced opinion.
Preparation Tips:
In order to initiate your preparation, the first and most important step is to be well acquainted with UPSC Syllabus , learn it by heart as this will enable you to know what to read and what to skip.
As per the recent trends UPSC is framing Prelims questions also based on Mains syllabus, so have an integrated approach, don't segrete the preparation part thinking once you qualify Prelims you'll prepare for Mains that doesn't work.
To cover such a humongous syllabus you will have to make a timetable,set targets on a daily,weekly and monthly basis,that's the only way to complete this extensive syllabus.
Newspaper reading is equally vital part of preparation, you can start with any newspaper like The Hindu, or Indian Express on a regular basis to be updated as well as gaining knowledge which shall be highly useful to you in future exam preparation part. Put a more emphasis on editorial part, it will not only broaden your perspective but help a lot in answer writing,and make sure whatever opinion you form it should be well balanced. You can also make notes of this,it'll be very useful in answer writing.
When it comes to reading books ,start with basics, for each subject, you can do with NCERTs for this. This will build your foundation strong,as you progress, move on to other relevant books as mentioned below;
For Prelims, you can refer the following books:
History ;
Geography ;
Economics ;
International Relations & Polity ;
Coming to Mains Exam, you can refer the following books for four General Studies Paper;
Remember to keep your resources minimal, read one book many a times instead of many a book one time, as you have to retain so much of information so rely on only limited yet trustworthy resources and revision is the only key for remembrance.
Writing mains is a huge task, for nine paper it requires immense practice along with knowledge. So, you have to start practicing answer writing in advance, even in a little way, There are many sites which provide questions on daily basis you can avail that. Try to give a holistic viewpoint while answer writing by providing political,economical and social aspect. You can get topper's answer sheet from various sites, try to analyze and study them minutely, you'll get an ideas about what to write, how to express and present viewpoint in organized manner.
Practice previous year question paper which you can get from the site of UPSC,in addition mock papers, and test series which you can get it from any of the sites exclusively dedicated to UPSC, it's highly important to evaluate your performance while doing so.
It's good that you are starting your preparation early and as you are starting now ,you will have plenty of time to prepare as you will be able to give UPSC examination for IAS after your graduation.
Follow the below tips to prepare well for your UPSC examination :-
To start your preparation first of all go well through syllabus , you can check the complete syllabus at
Top books which you can follow for UPSC examination preparation are listed below subject wise:-
*NCERT XI (Ancient & Medieval) *NCERT XII (Modern Indian History) *Facets of Indian Culture Spectrum *From Plassey to Partition - A History of Modern India
Indian Art & Culture
*Indian Art & Culture - Nitin Singhania
*NCERT IX-XII *Indian Polity M Laxmikanth
*NCERT VI X (Old Syllabus) *NCERT XI, XII (New Syllabus) *Certificate Physical Geography G C Leong World Atlas
NCERT XI *The Indian Economy Sanjiv Verma *Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh *Economic Development & Policies in India Jain & Ohri
*Class XII Biology (last 5 chapters) *Environment by Shankar IAS Academy
International Relations
*NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics) *Current Affairs ( read newspaper )
To get the complete list of books go through
*Make a routine or a time table , keep short breaks of 20 to 25 minutes after every 2 hours
*Read newspaper daily and keep yourself updated with the current affairs
*Choose your optional subject wisely , choose the subject you have interest in.
*Make short notes after completing each chapter
*Revise :- there's no point of preparing for the exam if you couldn't recall anything in the UPSC Examination so you should stress on revision as well.
*Solve previous year question papers and mock test papers ;- You should solve these , it will give you idea of types of questions asked and their difficulty level and will help you a lot.
*Also work on your communication skills and personality development as it plays an important role in your interview round
For more tips go through
UPSC CSE preparation strategy along with best books for prelims as well as mains exam for sure success.
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