I passed in 5 subject in 12 th cbse but couldn't clear math so I want to take admission in BCA . I'm eligible for BCA or not.
Answers (3)
First clear maths then only you are eligible for bca

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No you have no chance of admission in any bca course until you clear it

Comments (2)
but cbse said that I will take admission in college in commerce stream and BCA is totally different from PCM
I have 6 subjcte which has two compartments and can take admission in BCA by taking a compartment exam of biology, pass out 4 subjects Hindi, English, Physics and physical education
Most of the university required subjects ( maths, informatics practice , computer science ) .But if you only maths out of this and you haven't clear the maths subject than no chance for BCA programme.
All the best
Most of the university required subjects ( maths, informatics practice , computer science ) .But if you only maths out of this and you haven't clear the maths subject than no chance for BCA programme.
All the best
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