I passed my class 12th in 2018 with 5 subjects but failed in maths which was my main subject but my overall result was 'pass' If I apply for private exam for maths So by this process Will i get mathematics as main subject in my new marksheet?
Answer (1)
You can apply for the exam in subject mathematics, as a private candidate and complete the course. But, you may get a new marksheet which may only contain the result of maths in it or all the subjects. This depends on the board you give your exam with. But, yes. It will be considered that you have studied maths and you can use or show both the marksheets together when required.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
You can apply for the exam in subject mathematics, as a private candidate and complete the course. But, you may get a new marksheet which may only contain the result of maths in it or all the subjects. This depends on the board you give your exam with. But, yes. It will be considered that you have studied maths and you can use or show both the marksheets together when required.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Comments (2)
Thank you 😊
Hey satym actually Same happened wth..if u find any alternative pls share