I secured a rank of 18373 in viteee2019. Can I get computer science branch?
The Cutoffs for computer science and engineering branch are always very high in VIT as compared to all other branches.
Expected cutoffs at Vellore campus :-
1) Computer Science Engineering : under 6,000
2) CSE with specialization in Information Security : under 7,000
3) CSE with specialization in Bioinformatics : under 10,000
4) Information Technology : under 11,000
Expected cutoffs at Chennai campus:-
1) Computer Science Engineering : under 10,000
2) Electronics and Computer engineering : under 12,000
Here's a link to previous year cutoff trend
So chances for you to get a CSE seat at these old and reputed campuses are very low.
So if you're very determined about choosing CSE only, you'll have to opt for VIT Amaravati or VIT Bhopal campus.
There Cutoffs are pretty low and you'll definitely get a seat for 18,000 rank in VITEEE 2019.

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