I understand English of Indian people and Indian English news channel, but I never understand foreigners English why ?
You can understand English of Indian people because you can know the words pronunciation.
But in case of foreign English like American English pronunciation is different.
Sometimes, the spelling of the words may be the same but they are pronounced differently. For example, “schedule” is pronounced “skedule,” “route” is pronounced “raut,” and “vitamin” is pronounced “vaitamin.”
I hope it helps you.
Happy learning!!
This is because they speak very fast and their pronunciation isn't how the sentence is exactly produced. For example:- when indian says- "what is that?" . They pronounce sound of each and every word however outsiders generally don't pronounce the sound of T. now say same sentence without the sound of T - "wha is tha?" Your pronounciation will be different.
It said that pronounciation of indians are the clearest in the world. One can have accent like that of outsider if one wants. You should watch American or British language videos and movies to make yourself comfortable with their pronunciation.
Hope it helps.