I uploaded my documents for UPSEE on 26. till now they are not verified. should I be worried?? and what fo do.
See if you have uploaded the documents with in the specified deadlines then you have nothing to worry about it. Now I would recommend you to wait for 1-2 days, if still not verified then you should contact the helpline number of the examination. See the approvals are done manually as a result it may be time consuming some times. So I would recommend you to wait for 1-2 days more before contacting the authorities.
Helpline number as per the official website are provided below:
Help Desk Numbers :
TOLL FREE : 1800-1800161
Alternate Contact :0522-2336800, 0522-2336811
(10:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
E-Mail : upcet.helpdesk@aktu.ac.in
To know more about UPSEE counselling visit the link below:
I hope this answer helps. All the very best for your future endeavors!
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