I want a private law college in odisha.
Some of the top colleges which offers Law courses in Odisha.
I'm listening down the colleges here.
- Xavier Law School, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
- Balasore Law College, Balasore
- National Institute of Law, Bhubaneswar
- KIIT School of Law, Bhubaneswar
- Capital Law College, Bhubaneswar
- Gangadhar Mohapatra Law College
- Puri Ganjam Law College, Berhampur
- Mayurbhanj Law College, Baripada
- Lajpat Rai Law College
- Gangadhar Mohapatra Law College, Puri
- Ganjam Law College, Berhampur
- Mayurbhanj Law College, Baripada
- Mayurbhanj Law College, Mayurbhanj
For more information go through below link.
Hope this information helped you.
All The Best!!