I want counseling for JAC DELHI .
The authorities released JAC Delhi 2021 counselling registration on 24th September, 2021 on their official website in online mode, there will be no entrance exam conduct for JAC Delhi 2021 admission, and admission will be on the basis of JEE main paper 1 score for btech course, and for BArch courses, the admission will be on the basis of JEE main paper 2 basis, the last date for JAC Delhi registration and choice filling will be 24th October, 2021, and declartion of seat allotment result round 1 will be on 28th October 2021, and declaration all seat allotment result round 2 will be on 9th November, 2021, for round 3 it will be on 29th November, 2021, for round 4 it will be on 1st December, 2021, for round 5 it will be on 10th December, 2021, and for round 6 it will be on 15th December, 2021.
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.