Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
You can download CAT previous year question papers at
Practicing these papers will help you alot in your examination preparation
>>>> first of all it will help you to know the pattern of your examination.
>>>> you will know the type of questions which are asked in the examination
>>>> It will let you know the difficulty or toughness level of questions asked in the examination
>>>> will help you to analyse your preparation level for the examination.
>>>> you will get to know the topics / areas you are weak at , so that you can improve your performance by working on them.
>>>> it will help you to know your ability to manage time if you solve these paper in fixed time so that you can work on improving your speed and accuracy.
>>>> It will help you to build your confidence and overcome exam pressure .
To help you further,
Here's a brief of your CAT 2021 Question paper pattern
IIMs officially don't release cat examination pattern, expected CAT 2021 pattern is provided below:-
-------)CAT 2021 will be of 2 hour duration
-------)it is conducted in computer-based mode.
-------)In cat 2021 , there will be a total of 76 questions - 54 mcqs and 22 non - mcqs
-------)The complete paper will be divided into three major sections, which are listed below along with number of questions they have:-
QA i. e quantitative Ability :- it will have 26 questions in total (18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
DILR i. e data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning : - it will have 24 questions (18 mcqs and 6 non - mcqs)
VARC i. e Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension :- it will have 26 questions( 18 mcqs and 8 non - mcqs)
-------)There's 40 minutes for each section .
Marking scheme:-
3 marks is awarded for every correct answer
-1 marks for every wrong answer in case of mcqs
no marks deduction is there for wrong answers in case of wrong non -mcqs .
For detailed CAT examination patttern visit :-
Thank you
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