i want to ask that what will be the syllabus for 12th mp board student of maths subject?
The syllabus for 12th MP Board has been reduced and you can check that at: http://mpbse.nic.in/12th_reduced_syllabus_12112020.pdf. Most of it has been written in Hindi and as we cannot type it here, helping you with the official website: http://mpbse.nic.in/latest-circulars.html and http://mpbse.nic.in/syllabus12.htm. But to give you a glimpse, here is the syllabus:
Applications of vectors in D Geometry
Applications of Derivations and Correlation
Definite Integrals
Differential Equations
Elementary Integration
Functions, Limits, and Continuity
Harder Differentiation
Harder Integration
Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Numerical Methods
Partial Fractions
Products of vectors and Regression
Simple Differentiation
The Plane, The Straight Line, and Sphere
Three Dimensional Geometry
Vector Algebra
Also please refer our article: https://school.careers360.com/articles/mp-board-12th-syllabus
Dear Student,
In the revised syllabus of maths, the two chapters ' Vectors ' and ' Three Dimensional Geometry ' have been completely deleted from the syllabus of maths. The rest of the chapters are same as, that left in NCERT book of maths. These are mentioned below.
- Relations and Functions
- Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Matrices
- Determinants
- Continuity and Differentiability
- Appliation of Derivative
- Integrals
- Application of Intergrals
- Linear Programming
- Probability
Hope this helps.