I want to be a good spritual writter what should I do.....I want to do research on various spritual topic and I want to write on this various topics.....can I do it?
Hello Aspirant,
As being a spiritual writter is not now in hype but in upcoming days it is going be trending so go on as a spiritual writter as you will have bright future by doing this and you can also make researchs in the case of spiritual writing this can be possible and make more reaserches based on spiritual writing and you may get famous with all your hood ideas and thoughts and looking a head further for your spiritual writings and i think my suggestions and knowledge may be helpful to u.
It's a very interesting question you've asked, I'll answer this based on a very important thing I read once,you have to learn to read to learn to write,I believe this is a very important step when it comes to writing,as you're spiritually inclined so the more you read and gain deeper knowledge pertaining to this domain through various experiences, the more you'll be able to write and most importantly making people aware with those information, for starters you can create your personal website or blog, you can start writing about your experiences or thoughts, you can also engage with fellow writers as feedback is essential for a writer and his/her progress. Then,you can move on to work on a large scale like writing book, there are many platforms to help you out there for this.