Besides all the study materials etc as mentioned by others, you must go through the link below to get more insights on how to prepare for JAM 2019 Biological Sciences:
Best wishes!
Instead of looking for books you can prepare for IIT JAM Exam from the study materials. These study materials have all the preparation stuff you need.
Pursue M.Sc. in Data Science from Manipal Online.
In order to crack IIT jam,it's better to be pakka with basics. Also , refer books from arihant. It will help. Also be thorough with basic physics and chemistry too. You will get books for IIT Jam. Or you can refer CSIR-NET books. Go with arihant publications.
Strength in basics is a must. Especially Chemistry and physics basics is must.
Hope it helped,
Good Luck.
In order to prepare IIT JAM Entrance Exam for M.Sc Biotechnology, The Syllabus-
Biology (10+2+3 Level)
General Biology
Biochemistry and Physiology
Basic Biotechnology
Molecular Biology
Cell Biology
You can follow the preparation tips given below:
Start by preparing a time-table dividing the studies as per topics and allowing a specific amount of time to go through each topic.
Preparing notes. Preparing notes both short and long will help in better understanding of the different topics.
Prepare according to the exam pattern. Referring to the previous year answer keys will also help while studing.
Check the syllabus and divide accordingly. Diving the syllabus according to its importance will help candidates in knowing their own weakness and strength in the different areas of a particular subject.
Solve as many sample papers as possible. The sample papers for JAM 2019 is available online. You can download the sample papers and solve them. This will help in understanding the examination pattern as well as give the candidates an idea about the different types of questions that could be asked for the examination.
Good Luck!
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