I want to do MBA from VGSOM ? Which specialisation should i opt for?
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Electives at the Vinod Gupta School of Management at IIT Kharagpur are offered in the 3rd semester. These are Finance & Accounting, General Management, HR, IT, MArketing and Operations. By the end of the 1st year, after having studied portions of all these specializations, you will be comfortably placed to know which suits your temperament best. Choose accordingly!
Go by your heart, not with what SHOULD be ! Go with what you enjoy .. For example, if you like maths, go for analytics/finance/operations. but if you are good at creative, out of box thinking, go for Marketing Let me tell you my story .. I used to feel I will do strategy, because ultimately all CEOs do strategy. But after joining MBA, I realized, strategy is not my cup of tea, and I am comfortable in analytics & finance. You should do what you are comfortable with, and then you will do it very well, and earn very good name and money. Do not go by what SHOULD be done.
Prof. Parama Barai- Professor- VGSoM IIT Kharagpur.
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