I want to do Msc counselling psychology in Christ university Banglore what is the syllabus for entrance exam
Entrance Test pattern for M.Sc Counselling Psychology is-
The test will be for the duration of two hours. Test will consist of 120 questions of 60 marks.
In Part A, Questions will be asked from the following topics-
1. General Aptitude
Logical and analytical reasoning, Decision making, Linguistic skills (30 questions )
2. Basic Psychology
History, Schools of thought in Psychology; Perception, Motivation, Personality, Learning, Social psychology ( 15 questions)
3. Current Affairs
General knowledge/ awareness about world around us (5 questions)
4. Research Aptitude
Basics of research methodology (5 questions)
5. Ethical concerns ( 5 questions)
Part B consist of Counselling Psychology.
I would suggest you to refer the link below for details-
Good Luck!
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