I want to do UXUI design but no colleges have them as bdes program so what should I opt as an option in bdes which can help me do it in mdes
Design is a broad stream of subjects and isn’t limited to graphic design. When someone says “I’m a designer’, it is not immediately clear what they actually do day to day. There are a numerous pillars of responsibility which together holds design upright. Design related roles exist in a range of domains viz, graphic design, textile design, interior design, fashion design, ceramic design, print design and more. With the relatively recent influx of tech companies focused on creating interfaces for screens, many new design roles have emerged. Job titles like UX Developer or UI designer have emerged as the future front of design roles. Its meaning is unfamiliar even to designers who come from other industries. A design course can introduce students to fundamentals of design as they are applied to different segments of the industry. Some courses focus on architectural trends and history, while others emphasize drawing, photography or modeling. BDES IS BACHELOR IN DESIGNING. You can purssue B.A. so that you can make yourself involved in arts. And grow your mindset in designing.